Friday, 6 July 2012

Its National Fried Chicken Day!


Believe it or not, I do eat elsewhere other than Street Feast, but it is so damn good and it allows me to simultaneously hit up multiple yummy vendors and their awesomeness all at once, so why the hell not I hear you cry?! 

Street Feast have been moving around London venues the last couple of months in true nomadic fashion, but behold! They have settled in Dalston, East London, a large blank canvas of industrial metal works and containers which is now filled with SIXTEEN, count em up, thats sixteen food stalls. Along with Camden Town Brewery and Dalston Cola providing the refreshments!

We found ourselves in a very fortunate position tonight as we were the VERY FIRST people to try Roost. No seriously. Number 1 and number 2. So maybe I am the first to review it?? A new venture which boasts, 'good honest chicken' from free range chicks, we went for chicken legs and thighs fried in buttermilk. The batter on the chicken doesn't come out of the frier with the day-glo KFC look, its a darker, heavier looking batter, but in no way soggy. It encases itself around the chicken but doesnt cling to it or make the combination sticky in anyway. As we chatted to the Roost fellas they said they wanted the batter to almost have a chip shop 'scraps' feel when it fell from the chicken. and it really does. The chicken itself is beautiful. the fact it is free range is evident. The meat is so tender and juicy, teamed with the crunchiness of the batter. Chicken Cottage this aint. It was just delicious. 

I will be going back next week (GREEDY PIG!!!) for the Chicken Caeser Salad burger......I have to. The bun is glazed with parmesan, come on!

Time for dessert. Oh my. What a dessert.

I went to the lovely ladies at Molly Bakes. I was completely spoiled for choice. Did I want a strawberry dacquiri 'cuptail' or a red velvet cupcake, or perhaps a cherry amaretto cupcake?? I didnt want any of those. Well, I wanted them all but had to make a decision on one.

I Oreo Cookie Whoopie Pie. And truth be told I was inclined to google them as I wasn't entirely sure what they were! Well, they are like 2 mini mounds of cake with a rich, creamy and sweet filling. This one being laced with Oreo cookies. It has been a long time since I havent been able to clear my plate. a very long time. I could only manage half of it. HALF! They are sooooooo delicious. The cake is so dense but dosnt leave you feeling sluggish and then to team this with the cream centre, which is rich yes, but not sickly. They are cakey geniuses!

So there you have it. I LOVE Street Feast. And I will be back there next week to make my way further round each and every stall!


  1. Damn, I'm so hungry now. xx

  2. Sounds deeeeeelish! I must go and check this place out!
